This society was created by book-lovers for book-lovers in 2011. We meet on a regular basis to discuss books that were agreed upon beforehand. Books are selected in a democratic way and during each session there are two simultaneous discussions of two different titles.
We aim to provide Aberdeen University students with a platform to discuss their favourite/most recently read books with other passionate readers and enable conversations/debates about issues within both contemporary and classic literature.
So join our open-minded debates accompanied by a friendly chat and a good bite! Expose yourself to a variety of genres, authors and points of view. Meet new people who all share a common passion: reading. Our motto: 'In case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.’ (Mortimer Adler)
To learn more about the Book Club and how it operates, please read AUSA Book Club's FAQ available in the 'FAQ' section. Don't hesitate to contact us, should you have any further questions.