Sunday, 20 November 2011

Discussion questions for 'The Outcast' by Sadie Jones

  1. Sadie Jones worked as a screenwriter for fifteen years—do you think this is reflected in her writing?
  2. Do you think Gilbert is jealous of Lizzie and Lewis's strong bond?
  3. "He thought there must be something wrong with a person who would rather be in Brixton prison than their own home." Do you agree with Lewis in this statement? Why do you think he feels this way?
  4. Both Gilbert and Dick seem to bully their families. Do you think that they behave in this way because they consider it to be socially acceptable?
  5. What parallels can you draw between Kit and Lewis's childhood experiences?
  6. Do you think either Lizzie or Alice married Gilbert for love? How do you think he feels about them?
  7. Do you think Lewis ever really reciprocates Kit's feelings?
  8. Do you think that the issues raised in the novel could have been resolved if they had just talked to each other? Would this have been possible with the 1950s social restraints?
  9. How do you think Waterford and its residents have changed when Lewis returns from prison?
  10. How do you think attitudes towards some of the issues raised in the book have changed since the 1950s. Look at:
    • Alcohol
    • Self-harm
    • Church
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